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Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a crucial phase in data analysis that helps in understanding the main characteristics and patterns of the data. EDA forms the foundation of data analysis by providing insights into the structure of the data and identifying potential issues or anomalies. Key Elements of EDAData UnderstandingUnderstand the source, collection method, structure, and meaning of each.. 2024. 5. 28.
WIL : Weekly I Learned 24.05.24 WIL : Weekly I Learned 24.05.2024  FactsMost of this week was spent preparing for the project and learning machine learning. While learning machine learning, I realized that I could analyze data more deeply. I also briefly learned about predicting based on existing data using machine learning. Since I focused mainly on the theoretical aspects, I am looking forward to seeing how I can apply these.. 2024. 5. 24.
Join, Merge, Concat, Append, and Pivot table 1. Using the join MethodThe join method in pandas is used to combine two dataframes based on their index. Here is the syntax: DataFrame.join(other, on=None, how='left', lsuffix='', rsuffix='', sort=False) other: The dataframe to join with.on: Column or index level names to join on. Default is the index.how: Type of join to perform ('left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner'). Default is 'left'.lsuffix: S.. 2024. 5. 23.
The difference between deep learning and machine learning The difference between deep learning and machine learning Artificial Intelligence: Human capabilities and functions -> ComputerMachine Learning: Learns patterns, rules, and characteristics on its own using large amounts of data. (Data-dependent - if the data is wrong, it will fail) / Advantage: Just provide the data [because it learns by itself] -> Data must be very well refined.Deep Learning: D.. 2024. 5. 21.
Project - Bank Service Status Analysis and Improvement Project for Bank Service Status I have started a new project. Our team consists of four members, and we have decided to work together on this project. I have taken on the role of the team leader. Our team plans to analyze the "Analysis and Improvement Project for Bank Service Status." We downloaded the data from Kaggle. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/khanmdsaifullahanja.. 2024. 5. 20.
With CTE I've been solving CodeKata questions and have already completed up to question number 76. While solving these questions, I wanted to practice using WITH CTE. Mastering WITH CTE seems like it will allow me to simplify complex code in various ways.  What is a CTE?A CTE (Common Table Expression) is a temporary result set defined within the execution scope of a single SQL statement. It improves the.. 2024. 5. 20.