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Study Note/SQL Developer license

Importance of data modeling

by jhleeatl 2024. 4. 17.

Ripple Effect:


Data modeling plays a crucial role in minimizing the ripple effect of changes on the database. A well-designed data model reduces the impact of modifications to data structures on other parts of the system. For example, if changes are made to the attributes of one entity in the data model without affecting other entities, it reduces the effort required for system maintenance and updates.


Concise Representation:


Data modeling allows for clear and concise representation of the relationships and structures of data elements. This enhances the readability and comprehensibility of the database design. A concise and clear model facilitates better understanding of business requirements and improves communication. Moreover, a concise model simplifies database management and maintenance.


Data Quality:


Data modeling is instrumental in ensuring data quality, including consistency, accuracy, and validity. By applying appropriate constraints and rules, data integrity is maintained, duplicate data is prevented, and data consistency is ensured. This enhances the reliability of data for business decision-making and improves overall trust in data. High data quality enhances efficiency and reliability in business operations..

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