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Study Note/SQL

How to add localhost at DBeaver (MY SQL)

by jhleeatl 2024. 4. 16.

An error occurred during the process of converting text to numbers in DBeaver. When importing a CSV file into DBeaver, it failed to recognize text as numbers, resulting in this error. T


o resolve this, MySQL Community was installed and localhost was configured. Now, I will explain how to set up localhost after installing MySQL Community.


This is my first screen and I will create 'locahost_v2'










You need to set the Server Host name and put the password what you set when you download MY SQL Community.




After click finish, you will see the localhost_v2 in the left column. and when you open the cell, you will see this error message occured.






in order to solve this issue, click right button and click Edit Connection.




and Go to Driver Properties and change AllowPublicKeyRetrieval 'True' and finish



after this You will see the red x mark on the localhost_v2, then click 'connect' 


 * don't follow as below screenshot [click connect not in create]



then it will be created new sever

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